Monday, February 19, 2007


Silas Miguel Strich has officially turned 4! Better blow out those candles.


Silvia's brother Luis came all the way from Los Angeles to visit us. He stayed for 10 days, and got to visit Istanbul too.


Luis shopping in Ulus (an older part of Ankara).

Mara in a local bazaar. Notice the yummy sheep's hooves next to her.

Over the holiday I visited Istanbul. There's just too much to see there, but I tried. Here is the Blue Mosque from my hotel room window. Not bad, eh?


Is it such a good idea the school group entrance is so close to the harem section?


Nothing like a gold serving set for those late-night snacks. I also saw the world's 5th largest diamond, the skull and hand of John the Baptist, Mohammed's hair and a tooth, among other treasures kept by the sultans.

Here I am at "one" of the entrances to a Sultan's palace.

To get into Istanbul, you must first take a ferry across the Bosphorus.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I have been busy with...a visit from my brother-in-law, two week's vacation, a presentation at a conference, writing an article for a US magazine, and of course, my family. I'll be getting something posted soon.

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