Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ahhh, the weekend. Today we had plans to try out the outdoor swimming pool at ODTU (my private school is located on the campus of ODTU University). We called the head of the pool to verify we were coming (we were given a free pass for the weekend), and then walked down to a main street to wait for a dolmus. We waited, and waited, and waited... After about 45 minutes, we walked home and called to say we weren't coming. It turns out there are no dolmuses to ODTU from the direction we were waiting on weekends. This experience is a microcosm for much of what we do here - great plans, lots of waiting time, little to show for it except for knowledge for next time. This especially applies to the bureaucracy in the government and in setting up the schools. We've lowered our daily expectations; if we hope to accomplish three things, gettıng one done and understanding why the other two are unaccomplishable is ok. Maybe when we return to the U.S. we'll all be more laid back about things?

My schedule is slowly filling up. School starts in earnest on Thursday. About 12 men play football (soccer) after school, once a week, and I have been invited and already attended one game. We play outdoors on a tennis court-sized area covered with astroturf. Not only am I out of shape, but I find it humbling when a short, fat, bald, older man can dribble around me lıke I'm standing still. Oh well, ıt's great exercise and I'm meeting new people. Next on my list is ice hockey, which is still up in the air. The only true "league" has three teams, but I need to try out, and they want a letter from my club in the U.S. Since only one other Turkish city has an ındoor rink, I fear many of the players are on the national team. It should be interesting, whatever happens. If I join, games are Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Those activities will help me keep fit, but require time from my family. Most evenings I want to come home and be with Silvia and the children. We have a later dinner here (about 7-7:30) and then I usually get the girls ready and into bed while Silvia takes a walk with Silas (either pushing him in a carriage or Silas walking). I'm too tired to do much school work in the evening. So that leaves Weekends for travel and visiting people...

I'll try to get back to DESCRIBING what I'm seeing in future blogs.

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